Month: June 2015

  • Zion National Park… the final park.

    June 20, 2015
    The final park and leg of our vacation is Zion National Park. We were out the door around 7:30a.m. and…
  • Beautiful Bryce Canyon!

    June 20, 2015
    Today's national park was Bryce Canyon. It was a cool day that I don't think got above 62 degrees, which…
  • Arches National Park!

    June 13, 2015
    We woke up to cool, cloudy day.  Although the grey clouds are disappointing for photography, it does make excellent hiking…
  • Canyonlands here we come!

    June 11, 2015
    So in the last blog post I said I set the alarm for 6:00a.m. right? Well it was 6:00a.m. in…
  • Mesa Verde National Park!

    June 10, 2015
    We headed out this morning towards the Four Corners where Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah meet. The Four Corners…
  • What a long awesome day

    June 9, 2015
    Our day began very early. We got up at 4:00a.m. and headed to the Grand Canyon to watch the sunrise.…
  • Well . . .it’s grand

    June 8, 2015
    We're off on another adventure!  This time we are travelling with my sister, Jen, and her husband Tom, along with…