Month: May 2016

  • Rainy Day in Shanghai

    May 30, 2016
    This morning our meet time wasn't until 9:30, which was nice to sleep in a little bit longer. Our first stop…
  • Getting to know Shanghai

    May 29, 2016
    We had a good nights sleep on the much better beds in Shanghai. The breakfast buffet at this hotel had…
  • Onto Shanghai

    May 29, 2016
    Yet another early morning start as we prepared to leave Xian for Shanghai. The 4:30 alarm was rough after a…
  • Jam Packed Day in Xian

    May 27, 2016
    Today's itinerary was packed full of things to do in Xian. We met at 9:00 in the lobby of the…
  • Mt. Huashan

    May 27, 2016
    This morning we met at 8:00 for our trip to Mt. Huashan. The bus ride took about 2 hours. We first…
  • Terracotta Warriors

    May 25, 2016
    We had a very early start to our day since our luggage needed to be in the hotel lobby at…
  • Lama Temple

    May 25, 2016
    Today was another optional tour day that we chose to do. We took the subway to the Lama Temple area.…
  • The Forbidden City

    May 23, 2016
    Today was an optional tour to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. Tiananmen Square is the largest urban square in…
  • Race Day!

    May 21, 2016
    Race day is finally here. It started very early with a 2:30a.m. wake-up call for a 3:30 departure. On the…
  • From Rickshaws to Subways

    May 21, 2016
    We had a later start time this morning of 9:00, so that of course meant I was up in plenty…
  • Who’s Idea Was This?

    May 20, 2016
    Everyone was excited to head to the Great Wall of China today to check out the wall portion of the…
  • Summer Palace and Acrobatic Show

    May 18, 2016
    I went to bed at midnight on Tuesday night, and I slept relatively well throughout the night. I got up…