Car Ride To The North

August 28, 2024

When I got up this morning we didn’t have any plans for the day so after my bowl of Cheerios I started surfing the web for the must do things on the Big Island. I found that #23 of 26 things to see was the Pololu Valley Overlook which is on the Northern tip of the island. Uncle Andy was up for a drive so we got in the car and made the 50 minute trek to the overlook. It was a beautiful view. We also learned that you can hike down to the beach. I didn’t come prepared for an hour and half round trip hike today, but if I ever come back to the island I would 100% want to do this hike. We talked to the park rangers at the trail head and they said the hike was worth the energy at the beach. I said “Oh like the energy to get there?” They said “No.” I said “Oh I see. You mean the energy from the waves?” Again they said “No.” The one park ranger finally said it was an ancient burial ground and it was the energy from that. It was kind of funny when we replayed the conversation in our head. Perhaps they could have just said that in the beginning. Obviously energy can have several meanings.

On the way back we stopped at Keokea Beach Park and took in the views. We enjoyed watching four surfers trying to catch waves, but after waiting for what seemed like forever for them to catch one more, I lost my patience and we left before we saw them catch it.

We took a different road back than we did on the way there and enjoyed the views of the mountains (which were much greener than the lava fields we see on the drive to Kona) and the cattle. There was a nice scenic view point when we were over 3,000 feet above sea level. It was interesting to see where we are staying and places we have been in the past. It felt like we were getting a view as if from a plane.

The road took us to Waimea which is where we were on Sunday for the rainy farmer’s market. Yesterday when I was looking for somewhere to eat I saw an authentic Hawaiian restaurant I wanted to try in Waimea. Uncle Andy Googled and said Hawaiian Style Cafe. I thought that was the place and after Google sent us on a long route just to turn around, we got there. We walked in, but wasn’t feeling the vibe and decided to leave. Uncle Andy re-googled and after some searching he said Ippy’s Hawaiian Cafe. I said “That’s it!” That’s the place I had really wanted to go to originally, so we went the mile down the road to go there. ( I got the Hawaiian plate with Kalua Pork and Pork Belly. Have I ever mentioned that I love pig? It did not disappoint. I polished it off . . . with the exception of all the rice.

After our late lunch we headed back to the condo. I definitely ate too much and was looking forward to a walk, but I needed to charge my cell phone for a bit before I left. While I waited for my cell phone, I worked on the jigsaw puzzle I started on Sunday. I’ve made great progress but I still have some work to do so I can finish it before I leave on Friday morning. At 3:00 I headed out for a walk with no particular destination in mind other than to score a couple of geocaches. The first one was relatively easy off of a nice paved path next to a beach I wanted to check out. I didn’t end up walking that beach, but it looked nice.

I continued down the beach in the opposite direction to another cache that was about .80 miles away. It was a harder walk since the beach wasn’t flat and my feet sunk into the sand, but it was still great. I got to ground zero, but the cache didn’t jump out. I read through logs and looked at pictures and determined there was a good possibility that the branch it had been hanging from was now gone. The cache had not been found since November 2023. I logged the DNF and headed back. On the way back I found a few pieces of sea glass and was so deep in thought that I walk right past a turtle sunning itself on the beach. Some people ahead of me asked if I had seen the turtle. When I realized I walked right past it, I went back to snap a couple of pictures and then had the pleasure of watching the turtle turn around and make it’s way back into the ocean. I thanked the people for snapping me out of my deep thoughts and turning my attention to the turtle.

Coming off the beach I checked the geocaching app and found there was another one close by along a lava rock trail. I followed the trail and was easily able to make the find. The trail intersected with the sidewalk of the main road. There was one more cache off the main road outside of Waikoloa Beach Resort across the main highway that was about a half mile away. I decided to go for it. I made the find and I have to say I found this location of the cache to be in the most random of areas. Nothing significant near by and nothing but lava rock in the area, but a cache is a cache.

Upon completing this find it was time to walk back to the condo. I got back to the condo at 6:20 and the sun was quickly setting. As soon as I walked in I asked Uncle Andy if he wanted to go up to the Ocean Club on the complex for a drink and the sunset. He said yes so we made the short drive (I had enough walking!). It was perfect! I had a Mai Tai and a beer and Uncle Andy had a beer and ordered some french fries. I was still full from lunch, but the fries did hit the spot. They were nice and salty. We watched a beautiful sunset and stayed until 7:45 when they started shutting down.

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is already my last full day here!

Stats of the Day

Steps: 18,400
Geocaches: 3 of 4
Pieces of Sea Glass: 5


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