Lazy Monday

January 20, 2015

Monday in Aruba and we had no big plans.  We slept in after the disappointing Packer game and I did not even think about going for a walk or run.  My legs weren’t too sore, but I thought I would give them a break.  My goal for the day was to do a lot of reading.  I had received the first Jack Reacher book a while ago and I even took it with me all the way to Djibouti, but didn’t get a chance to read it.  I sat and read on the beach for a couple of hours and eventually wondered up in a nice quiet spot on the roof top above the beach restaurant and read for a couple of more hours.  I got about half way through the book.

There was a welcome party for vacation club members that we caught the tail end of.  Aunt Janet and Uncle Dave won massages for a dance competition and Heather won a couple’s massage in a raffle.  Maybe we should have gotten their earlier!  After was a bbq on the beach.  The food was ok and the show that started after it was not overly exciting.  Pete, Laurie, Tom and I wondered back up to the suite.  The balcony actually overlooked the bbq and show so we could watch from there.  As it had become somewhat boring, we opted to play Farkle instead, but left the patio doors open to listen.  At the end of the party another raffle was held and Alissa won a dinner for one at Senor Frogs.  When the rest of the gang came back upstairs we played Phased 10 . . . well we aren’t quite done yet.  That game takes forever and at 11:30 we were all feeling tired and decided to suspend the game until tomorrow.  Tuesday holds no big plans either.  On Wednesday or Friday we will go on a Pirate’s ship excursion to sail, snorkel, and swing off the side of the ship.  On Thursday we are taking an ATV tour around the island.  Plenty of time for me to walk to some nearby geocaches . . I hope!


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