Fun In The Sun!

November 11, 2019

Erica and I once again sat on the balcony this morning and enjoyed a rainbow while I sipped hot chocolate and she drank coffee. We’re interested in seeing if the rainbow is an every morning occurrence. Instead of watching the sunrise we watch for the rainbow. The weather today was much nicer then yesterday. You could tell right away that more people were out and about and that it was going to be a good day.

After breakfast we bought a bus pass, got our stuff together and headed to the bus stop. We went to Elbow Beach and walked through a very nice resort to get to the beach. The sand was super soft and amazing. We ventured in and out of coves until we couldn’t go any further without swimming. We headed back to the bus stop this time utilizing the public access point. I tried to do a geocache in a phone booth, but it was missing. Surprisingly the phone was not. It seems most of the phone booth caches are where the phone has been pulled out.

Our next stop for the day was Gibbs Hill Lighthouse. For $2.50/person we climbed the 185 steps to the top on the lighthouse, which is one of the oldest cast iron lighthouses in the world. The views of the island were excellent and it was exhilarating to walk on the outside of the lighthouse and be that close to the biggest light bulb I’ve ever seen. No physical geocache was here, but I was able to log a virtual one. On our walk up to the lighthouse we passed a bar/restaurant call Henry VII ( where an employee had told us to stop in for a pint. We told him we would stop on the way back. We kept our promise and enjoyed a pint of Bermuda IPA. We made our way back to the bus stop and after wondering how long it might be before the bus came, it showed up in what was perfect timing. We went just a short distance and got off to venture down to Horseshoe Bay Beach.

This was another beautiful beach and we had read and been told to make sure to keep walking and go around the rocks at Horseshoe Bay beach to go to the next beach. Bermuda is known for pink sand beaches and Horseshoe Bay Beach is supposed to be one of the most well known. I have to say, it didn’t seem very pink at all. We enjoyed walking from beach to beach and around the coves. Erica was attempting to make it around the next bend when the waves came and swept off her feet. She was able to keep her bag with cell phone over her head like a pro. She did say she wanted to go for a dip in the ocean, but I don’t think she meant like that.

Erica didn’t make it around that rock without getting soaked! Wish I had it on video!

We continued on the upper paths to the other beaches. It wasn’t until we had been walking for a bit that she realized she lost her Leah Jee ( sunglasses when she was swept in the wave. We walked explored a bit further before we turned around and made our way back. We went back down to the beach to look for the sunglasses and low and behold I spied them up the beach away. Yay! They were no longer lost and Erica was re-united with them.

I spy a pair of Leah Jee sunglasses!

We walked to another little quite cove and I realized we were close to a geocache. I made an attempt, but with so many spots to hide and the GPS not cooperating it wasn’t meant to be. By this time it was almost 5:00 and we knew that we had to get to the bus stop as we thought it was the last one of the day (because of the holiday). Turns out there might have been a couple of more, but the sun was going down and we were starving.

We came back to the hotel and utilized the indoor pool, steam room, and hot tub. It was a perfect way to cap the afternoon. We went to the hotel bar for dinner. Erica had a fancy ham and cheese grilled sandwich while Amanda and I each had a pizza. Like everything in Bermuda, it was pricey be good. I ate two pieces too many and felt pretty darn full. We came back to the room and played another round of Phase 10. Amanda went from first last night to last tonight. I took the win, so were quite sure Erica will score the win tomorrow. The weather is looking good for tomorrow too, so we are planning to go to the other side of the island to St. George and Hamilton (and since I just saw the musical Hamilton I can’t say that without singing “Alexander Hamilton”. I’m sure that’s not getting annoying for Erica and Amanda).

Stats of the Day

Steps Walked: 17,836
Temperature: 73 degrees
Geocaches: 1 Virtual, 2 DNFs


1 comment

  • I am sooo enjoying the blog.
    Thank you for doing this!!

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