Change of Plans

November 14, 2019

It was super windy this morning, but no rain was in the forecast. We had planned to rent bikes today and ride the Railway Trail, but since it was so windy I thought that might not be the best idea. I would like to see the trail and all, but not if it means biking against the wind and uphill. So change of plans, we decided to walk to Glass Beach and the Royal Navy Dockyard (about 3 miles total to the Dockyard).

We took our time walking and enjoyed some tunes as we put Erica’s Bluetooth speaker in Amanda’s back pack. We walked past Woodies (the restaurant we went to last night) so I was able snap a picture of the “Have A Bermudaful Day” sticker so I could update the photo from yesterday’s post.

Somewhere near hear there was a geocache I couldn’t find.

We stopped a couple of times along the way and took pictures and enjoyed our surroundings. We stopped to try a geocache at a hidden cemetery, but once again came up empty handed. It’s so frustrating when the GPS won’t cooperate.

Mr. Gnome at Glass Beach

We were able to find the somewhat hidden Glass Beach relatively easily. It is a small beach where a huge concentration of sea glass washes up on shore. There was a mill that that used to be nearby and they threw their garbage in the ocean, thereby creating the sea glass. We enjoyed searching through the thousands of pieces. We left here and came across a convict’s cemetery where another geocache was hidden. This time I was able to locate it relatively easily.

The geocache is straight back from here in the tree.

We continued on our way to the Dockyard. This is where the cruise ships come into port so it is very much geared towards the cruise ship customers. There was no ship in port today so it was really dead. We headed over to the Frog and Onion restaurant ( and tried a flight of their craft beer. We picked our favorites from the flight and ordered a pint along with a soft pretzel appetizer and buffalo chicken dip appetizer.

After leaving the Frog and Onion we did some shopping. I didn’t buy anything but I did take some pictures of some of the interesting things I saw in the stores.

We were able to catch the bus back to the resort. We settled in and got ready to strike up the Phase 10 tournament. The first game that we played Amanda won, but then again she did screw me out of the blue 7 card when she accidentally picked up two cards off the deck and put the second card back in the middle of the deck. If it was really the blue 7 card I could have used it to move to the next phase. Good thing we’re not playing for money, but we did all have a really good laugh over it.

For dinner we decided to order some Indian food from a local restaurant that delivers. It was probably the most expensive delivery order that any of us had ever done, but it was super delicious and we got a lot of food. The samosa alone weighed a ton. It certainly was the biggest samosa I have ever seen.

We played a second game of Phase 10 and once again Amanda won. Erica loves the game and is determined to win one before we leave.

As I sat and wrote the blog I mentioned how I thought it sounded like rain. Amanda got up to check and saw that it was raining and then she noticed that my shorts were hanging on a back of a chair to dry. She ran out the living room sliding door to get them and Erica and I watched her run right into the bedroom sliding door screen door and bounce off of it. We laughed so hard. It was the funniest thing to witness and Amanda was not hurt. She thought the door was actually open and hadn’t seen the screen. If only we had captured that on video! I appreciate her rescuing my shorts from the rain though! Hard to believe only one more day left.

Stats of the Day

Screen Door 1 – Amanda 0
Steps Walked: 16,120
Geocaches: 1 found; 1 DNF
Temperature: 70 and really windy
Phase 10 Win Summary: Amanda 4, Jess 2, Erica 0


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