Final Days in Costa Rica

February 2, 2013

Well not much to write about on Thursday.  Our last full day was spent relaxing by the beach and pool.  No major adventures to be had . . .although I tried to attempt a geocaching adventure.  The compass said it was only .86 miles away, but as I headed the direction I needed to go I found myself going up and down some massive hills and round corners and getting farther away from the cache then closer.  The closest I got was .35 miles as the crow flies, but I think I would have ended up walking 3 miles to get there.  Not the smartest thing to do by myself on those hilly roads, so I turned around and went back.

Today (Friday) we are on our way home to super cold, crappy Wisconsin weather.  We hope to bring the warmth and sunshine with us.  We had a great time in Costa Rica!!!


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