
November 12, 2022

Day 2 in Vegas and we woke up with only plans for the day of Daniel Tosh at 10:00p.m. We took our time getting ready and did some web surfing to solidify a plan of attack. On the ride back the night before we passed Area 15 ( and the Lyft driver said it was pretty neat as an immersive experience in art and virtual reality. We checked it out online and decided this was something we would like to do. We took a Lyft and got there around 11:00a.m. We decided to buy the package that would allow us to do the most things. With a military discount is was $105/person but we figured what the hey, were here let’s just do it all versus picking and choosing. We rode a couple of Virtual Reality roller coasters that were really fun, played virtual reality dodge ball (that was kind of lame), and took flight as a bird in a virtual reality flight simulator. I flew over downtown Chicago and Tom chose to fly over downtown New York. It was an interesting experience. Also here were immersive art experiences. One in particular was called Wink World and it was 6 different rooms that had a light and music show that was created by one of the founders of the Blue Man Group. I could definitely feel the Blue Man influence! Around 12:30 we were hungry so we ate at the restaurant in the complex. I had a loaded baked potato with brisket and Tom had a Cuban sandwich. The potato was good, but I was regretting my choice after I saw Tom’s sandwich. I should have gotten the French Dip.

After lunch we road the canopy zip line that went around the perimeter of the building and did another room that had loud music and a light show that you wore special glasses for. We checked out some of the infinity mirrors around the building and enjoyed an ice cream cone before we headed outside to ride the open air balloon ride that went up 130 feet and rotated 360 degrees providing a view of the strip. Tom was pretty nervous even though it was super slow moving. I think he started to relax after the first rotation . It stayed in the air for 10 minutes providing us plenty of time to take pictures. The last thing we had left to do was the Illuminarium cinematic immersion of Space. This was similar to the Van Gogh exhibit we went to last year, but the theme was Space. It was interesting and well done and probably one of the things I enjoyed the most at Area 15. One thing that is super popular at Area 15 that we didn’t do was Meow Wolf Omega Mart. I didn’t know what it was and when we finally got over to that area and asked, I learned it was an additional $50 and they didn’t have any openings until 7:00p.m., but it was another immersive art experience. I’m not sad we missed it, but given another opportunity I would probably do it. We left Area 15 at 4:30 and headed back to the Golden Nugget.

Back at the hotel Tom wanted to take a nap, so I did what everybody else in Vegas does, and went to the casino. I walked around and checked out the games and decided to play some slot machines. I quickly lost $40 and wondered why I had chosen the slots. I should know better then that. I then found the electronic roulette and waited for a seat to open. When I got on I put $40 in and started to play. The minimum bet on the machine was $3 and you can choose what dollar domination chips you want to bet with. I was feeling cheap so I was playing with $.50 chips and spread my bets around the board. I won some rounds, but when I did it wasn’t a lot because of my low bet to begin with. At least with roulette it takes a little longer to lose since you have to wait for the ball to spin and drop each time. I was down to my last $1.50 and I wanted to bet again so I dug out another $20 to put in the machine. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to do that and place a bet for the next round. I had been playing the number 3 consistently and wouldn’t you know the one round that I wasn’t in, it landed on 3!! Of course it did, it’s Murphy’s Law. I played until I was down to $.50 (which I really had meant to put on the table with my final bet but didn’t make it in time), so instead of feeding more money into the machine I cashed out and put that $.50 ticket into another slot machine. No win there either! I was done gambling for the trip.

We had seen a sign the day before that the Lt. Dan Band (Gary Sinise’s band) would be playing at the stage on Fremont Street right across from the Golden Nugget at 7:00 on Saturday in there annual salute to the troops celebration for Veteran’s Day. I went up to the room to wake Tom from his nap so we could get outside and claim a spot to watch the show before we had to go. As we were waiting I heard one of the people associated with the event say that Gary wasn’t able to make it to this year’s event. Huge bummer!! The band was still going to play, just without Gary. The opening band was a country act, and they were very good. I was surprised at how many country songs Tom knew. We were only able to stay for 2 of the Lt. Dan Band’s songs before we had to go. They band sounded great and reminded me of Milwaukee’s Local band, the Eddie Butt’s Band.

We took a Lyft to the Mirage and got there with plenty of time to walk through the casino to the theater and to get a drink. Long gone are the days of “cheap” Vegas. Two tall Captain Morgan and Cokes with tip cost over $60!!! Unbelievable!!! Inside the theater there was a sign on the monitors that said no photography, social media, texting, etc was allowed. No warnings would be given and you would be escorted out with no refund. Of course Tom wanted to get a picture of us and our $60 drinks, but me being the rule follower that I am didn’t want him to attempt it. We did anyway as I kept eye on the usher and when she had her back turned we snapped a quick picture. They did have a professional photographer going around taking people’s pictures for them to buy after the show, so I wonder if that is why they don’t allow selfies in the theater. Tom got super irritated with the notion that you can’t take your own picture but then they would try to sell you theirs for God knows what price. As the theater filled up we watched several people around us taking pictures with no consequences. Maybe we should have just went for it, but knowing our luck we would be the ones to get kicked out.

There were two openers before Tosh came out. The first was one of the writers from his show, Tosh.O. One of his first jokes was about his wife doing jigsaw puzzles. I think Tom was about to lose it. He was very funny!! The second comedian was also pretty good. Tosh came out and did not disappoint. Tom and I have listened to his stand-up on Spotify. His cadence and delivery and jokes were as good as what we heard on Spotify and no jokes were repeated from what we had heard before. Tosh’s humor isn’t for everyone, but if you can appreciate a good joke and not easily offended, you may enjoy him. We sure did! The only thing I wish we had was a recording of the set to be able to re-listen to it. Maybe someday he will put out a new album and it will be on it.

We hadn’t eaten since lunch so after the show we took a Lyft back down to Fremont Street and went to Nacho Daddy ( We shared a plate of pork carnitas nachos. They were very tasty and was just the right amount of food before going to bed. It was another super late night and we got back to the hotel sometime after 1:30.

Stats of the Day

Gambling Wins/Losses: LOSSES! $100
Length of Tosh’s Set: 1 hour 20 minutes
Steps Taken: 9,732


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