Down Day in Lagos

June 12, 2024

I was looking forward to having a down day and didn’t set an alarm and got up after 8:00. We decided that we would go and explore the town and have lunch before I would go out for “me” time.

We first stopped at the other big beach in Lagos. This beach was super long, but not quite as pretty as the beach near where we are staying. We walked the beach for just a little bit. Sadly there was no sea glass to be found.

We walked across the foot bridge over the canal to the city center where we roamed shops and looked for something to eat. We both had a hankering for pizza again. Tom found a highly rated place on Google but when we walked by they weren’t open. We had walked by a different pizza place earlier that seemed busy and the food looked good (one advantage of having outdoor dining and small sidewalks . . . you can kind of scope out the dishes on other people’s tables) so we went there. We shared a portobella stuffed mushroom appetizer and a ham and arugula pizza. Both were excellent and we felt we made a good choice. We continued to wander through the city center and stopped in for some gelato. I had a pineapple mint and Tom had strawberry. It hit the spot.

It was now almost 3:00 so we headed back to our apartment. Tom took a nap and I headed out to walk the beach and sea glass hunt. I was also going to attempt a geocache, but I discovered I was still almost a mile away from it and I would of had to climb over a bunch of rocks for quite a distance with the tide was coming in, so I abandoned the attempt. There was more people on the beach today than the first day we walked it, but I was sill able to find a small handful of glass.

A couple of hours later I went back to the apartment and Tom was still laying down but awake. He agreed to go on a walk with me for the 4 geocaches on the trail that we passed up previously. The furthest one away was .6 miles, so it wasn’t going to be a crazy long walk. I found the first two with no problems, but at the third I couldn’t spot it. We moved on to the fourth where I made the find after approaching it from the wrong direction (which made it harder than it needed to be). We walked back to the cache I couldn’t find. Ground zero was essentially in a field of bamboo and the clue was “There are reeds and reeds”. I had a feeling it was a fake bamboo shoot but I couldn’t spot it. I decided to give up and head back and look at the image gallery on my laptop (pictures weren’t loading on the phone). Sure enough someone had posted a picture of what it looks like. I’ll head back in the morning to give it another shot.

Back at the apartment we sat on our balcony and watched the sunset while Tom drank a couple of Somersby’s and I drank a bottle of wine. It was super nice and relaxing, but seeing as I drank almost the entire bottle it also meant I was done for the night. Tomorrow we head back to Porto for our early morning flight back home on Friday.

Stats Of The Day

Steps: 22,695
Geocaches: 3 Physical/1 DNF/1 Abandoned Attempt
Sea Glass: Didn’t count the haul before I added it to my collection


1 comment

  • Um….did you find a BANKSY piece of art while geocaching?!?!?!?!

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