Last Day Pool Day!

August 29, 2024

I woke up early today in order to check in for my flight. Those that have flown Southwest understand why it’s good to check in as early as possible to get a better boarding position. Even though I checked in during the first minute it was available, I am still in the “B” group for the first flight. That’s ok though. I was in the “B” groups on the flight out and got excellent seats.

Uncle Andy ran out while I was getting ready to pick up malasadas from the food truck. Malasadas are freshly made donuts that you can have filled with a variety of flavors. I chose banana cream, passion fruit, and mango. I only had room to try two of the three and chose to eat the banana cream and passion fruit. Both were very good.

The really only plan we had for today was to relax by the pool. I headed up to the pool around 10:30 and found a seat facing the ocean which offered a great view. I started reading a book I picked up at a rummage sale that I have dragged with me on several vacations but have never read. It was quite toasty baking in the sun, but the pool was very refreshing. I dipped in several times to cool off.

At 3:00 I had enough of the sun and had gotten to page 248 of 378 in my book and headed back to the condo. I started a load of laundry (it’s always nice to bring home clean clothes and not have a pile to do when you just get back). I continued to work on the jigsaw puzzle before Uncle Andy and I headed up to the nearby Kuleana Rum Works restaurant ( for dinner. Uncle Andy had been here several times throughout his time here and really like the short rib loco moco. Of course I had to try it. It was super flavorful and glad I had the opportunity to eat it.

After dinner I moved my wash to the dryer and then headed up to the Ocean Club for one more last Mai Tai and sunset. It was so relaxing and beautiful. Coming to the condo I started to pack and got after the jigsaw puzzle which I finished just in the knick of time at 10:30p.m. Tomorrow morning is going to be early since my flight is at 7:00a.m.

Stats of the Day

Steps: 5,145
Geocaches: 0 of 0
Pieces in Puzzle: 1,000


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