Paris Day Three

October 9, 2010

So day three of Paris was another gorgeous day! This morning we began our day by visiting the Musee D’Orsay where we saw many impressionist artists. My favorite of course are Monet and Renoir. This museum was a lot more manageable than the Louvre. I think we covered everything we wanted to see there. After we left the Musee d’Oray we walked to the Musee de Rodin. The artist Rodin is famous for his sculpture of “The Thinker” which we saw. The garden was beautiful. Across the street from the Rodin Museum was the Hotel Des Invalides, which more simply put is where Napoleon’s remains are entombed. After a lunch at a cafe with a view of the Eiffel Tour, I realized I lost (or got pick-pocketed, but most likely dropped out of my pocket) my 2-day museum pass. Thankfully we were already on day 2 of the pass, but I was still irritated since we were planning on doing a couple more things on the pass. We took the subway to the Catacombs of Paris, but they were already closed by the time we got there. We got back on the subway and went to the Arc de Triumph (here the Museum Pass would have saved me 9€, but oh well), and we went to the top. Great view of Paris! Next it was back on the subway to Basilique du Sacre Coeur where we thought we would enjoy a nice peaceful sunset over Paris, but instead walked into a festival for the harvesting of the grapes wine festival. Let’s just say after a bottle of wine and chatting with some friendly Parisians (Cal and Adrien), I was feeling pretty good. We took the subway back to our hotel, and decided to go back to our friendly gnome restaurant where I’m writing this now with Beyonce playing in the background. This time I have ordered the lasagna and Tom is trying a different pizza. Food just got here so I have to go.

PS – Would love to post more pictures but the WI-FI connection is not always good.


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