Jolly Pirates

January 25, 2015
I can hardly believe it’s already Friday.  The week has gone by so fast. After breakfast I parked my butt by the pool and continued to read my book. At 1:00 we headed to the Jolly Pirate ship.

The excursion consisted of going to two different spots for snorkeling and a third stop to swing off a rope swing.  The first snorkeling stop was at the sunken ship Antilla.  The water was a little deeper and didn’t have the clearest view of the ship or fish.  At the second stop we swam in much shallower water and saw some pretty fish.  At each stop we had approximately 20 minutes to snorkel.  We were also allowed to jump off the side of the ship . . .or walk the plank as it were.  At the final stop there was a rope swing that we could swing and jump into the water.  Tom particularly liked this and tried to do a back flip.  He came close, but ended in a dive.  I didn’t even try the flip.  The kids really enjoyed jumping off the ship.  We got back at 5:00 and Tom and I sat on the beach waiting for the sunset.  We missed photographing some excellent sunsets earlier in the week.  As we waited, I finished my book!

After watching the sunset we got ready for dinner and headed back to the Mexican restaurant.  I had the chicken fajitas and once again was super happy with my meal.  We roamed around a bit after dinner and not finding anything exciting going on we headed back to the room where we watched the Pat Tillman story.  Tomorrow we head back home.  This has been an excellent vacation. I would highly recommend Aruba!


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