Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

August 24, 2008

Today we left Alaska and made it safely back to Milwaukee. We had a great time and really enjoyed seeing the sights. I think our trip can be summed up with the phrase “planes, trains, and automobiles”. We certainly saw a lot of Alaska by all three modes of transportation.

On the way I home I had the opportunity to sit in the “jump seat” behind the pilots on take off. It was an interesting experience to watch them do their job and listen in on their chatter with air traffic control. It certainly makes me appreciate what they do as it seemed like a whole different world and language.

It was a good trip, but we are happy to be back home and return to “summer” for as long as it will last.

Even though the trip is over, stop back and check our blog every now and again. If something exciting happens in our day to day lives we’ll be sure to blog about it!


1 comment

  • Welcome back! I am excited to see all of your pictures from your trip. The ones you posted were incredible!

    Also, I’m still wondering when you guys are going to set up your Facebook profiles. This will give you something else to update and check out every now and then. 🙂 My mom’s even got a Facebook page! You should too.

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