Lazy Day in Cabo

January 28, 2018

I don’t have a lot to write about our first full day in Cabo. We enjoyed a lazy morning, not getting to breakfast until almost 11:00. After breakfast I went for a peaceful solo walk along the beach to the North as far as I could go before I ran into a huge pile of rocks. I started climbing some of them, but since I didn’t have any shoes on, I didn’t go very far. The round trip walk was probably around 3 miles.

When I got back it was time for lunch . . it had been after all a couple of hours since we finished breakfast. LOL. After lunch I made my way back down to the beach with a book and sat out there for the next several hours reading. It was quite relaxing. As the sun was going down I made my way back to the room where I ran into Laurie who was looking for me hoping I had Ryan’s phone. Unfortunately I didn’t, and it has appeared someone has stolen it. He had left it on a lounge chair while they were playing water volleyball.

We got cleaned up and went to dinner hoping to get into one of the speciality restaraunts, but they only had reservations for 8:45 so we opted for the buffet. It was another early night, but we were tired. Sitting in the sun all day can be exhausting!! I finished the book I started and went to bed. All-in-all a nice relaxing day.

Stats of the Day

Steps Walked: 14294

Cabo San Lucas High Temp: 77 degrees

Cabo San Lucas Low Temp: 66 degrees


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