Adios Cabo!

February 2, 2018

I am happy to report that we had a very uneventful travel day home. It was a rainy day, so it made it a little easier to leave. Check-in was a breeze with practically nobody in line. Laurie asked the agent if the plane was full and they said it was 40% full. After boarding the plane, I would said it was more like 25% full. Again we were happy to have plenty of space to ourselves.

When we landed in Chicago the flight attendant told us to get down to Customs right away so we could avoid the next flight that was pulling in with 400 people on board. We got through Customs lickity split as there was nobody down there. Everything was going really smooth, but for some reason it seemed to take forever to get our luggage. It was probably because everything else had moved so fast.

We got to our car (after turning down the wrong aisle for a minute) and headed home. A stop at Culver’s for dinner and we were back home before we knew it.

We don’t know if it is just a slow travel year, or if Thursday to Thursday is the way to go to avoid the crowds. If it is, we’ll take it every time. We had a good week re-charging our batteries and looking forward to getting through the rest of winter. Bring on Spring!!


Stats of the Day

Steps Walked:  7,919

Days Until Spring:  46


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