A Day in Myvatn

June 14, 2017

It felt so good to get a good night’s sleep last night. I went to bed at 11:30 and didn’t wake up until 8:00. That’s the first night since we’ve been here that I was able to sleep the whole night through. We got back on the road a little after 10:00 and drove about 45 minutes to Godafoss Falls. Here we enjoyed taking several photos, and there was even a geocache for Kristin and I to find. Kristin and I left the boys to go look for it. I was certain it was in a pile of rocks, and was getting frustrated when I didn’t find it there. I expanded my search and still couldn’t find it. Kristin was just kind of hanging out and not looking for it. I was just thinking that maybe she was getting bored with the process. I finally made a comment that I can’t believe I couldn’t find another geocache and she was said “Oh my God. I found it like 5 minutes ago!!” She hadn’t wanted to tell me she found it because she thought I would be mad. I found it shortly after she said that. LoL.

Another short 45 minutes later and we arrived in the Myvatn area (where our lodging is for the evening) and stopped at the pseudocraters at Skutustadogigar. The bugs were swarming so bad that we looked at just one of the craters and went back to the car. I will say though, I feel if you’ve seen one pseuodocrater you have seen them all. 




From here we went to Dimmuborgir and hiked a one mile loop around lava formations. In the distance we could see Hverfjall Mountain and we could see people walking around the top. I also noticed on the geocaching app that there was a geocache on top and joked we should go get it. Everyone agreed that we should do it, but not right away, so we went to Grjotagja. Grjotagja are caves with hot water pools. This is also where the love scene with Jon Snow in the Game of Thrones was filmed. It was very pretty, but I didn’t recall the scene in it’s entirety so when we got back to the cabin I pulled it up to compare. I think the only thing that was in that scene was the opening of the cave.

After the cave visit we decided to try to check into our hostel for the evening even though it was 45 minutes before check-in time. We were happy to learn that our cabin was ready. The cabin is really just big enough for two single beds and a bunk bed as the bathrooms are located in separate buildings. The top bunk only has about 20 inches of clearance from the bed to the ceiling (and some areas lower because of
beams across the ceiling). The top bunk would be mine. Kristin and  Tom wanted to nap, Brandon relax, and me write the blog entry for the day before, so we all took an hour. Since the cabin was so small I sat at a picnic table outside to write my blog entry. It was a tad chilly, but it worked.

With everyone re-energized we went to dinner at the Cowshed Cafe. Here we had an excellent (albeit expensive) dinner. Now that our belly’s were full we were ready to tackle Hverfjall. I was glad the sun had come up and we hiked around the entire rim of the crater and I found the geocache. A little hard to believe that it was only 2.5 difficulty for the terrain considering the hike that had to be made to get to it. It was getting quite chilly by the time we were coming back down. We were
surprised that we were mostly by ourselves for the hour or so that we were on the crater.

The last stop for the evening was the Jardbodin Nature Baths. These baths are very similar to the Blue Lagoon, but cost half the price. Since the shower situation seemed a little sketchy at the hostel, we had all decided that ending our day at the baths would be also a good opportunity to shower. We thoroughly enjoyed our soak after hiking Hverfjall. There were two showers inside the baths that were very
massaging. An American dude and his son kept videoing the same thing over and over under the shower. The dad would walk through the shower and say “And for this massage, no appointment necessary.” He was quite loud, and drew attention to himself as he continued to do it over and over. Not sure why he was, but Tom said it was just because he was a d-bag. We left the baths as they were closing and were able to take a few pictures with nobody in them, and catch an amazing sunset on the way out.

We got back to our tiny cabin and wished everyone a goodnight.


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