Alaska Bound!
Hey everyone, it’s the sarge here with my first and probably last post. I say last because once I show the wife how to blog I will probably be banned. Anyways, I really didn’t want to torture anyone with our everyday lives but some friends of ours started blogging and we felt left out. If I had hacking $killz I would simply take down their site but now we’ve been forced to compete and create the illusion that our lives are more exciting than theirs
Speaking of exciting, we are flying up to Alaska and will be touring the 49th state this entire week. I don’t think we would normally visit Alaska but our favorite uncle decided to pay for the airfare so we couldn’t pass it up. We will be flying into Anchorage and while we’re there we plan on visiting Denali National Park and the small town of Seward which is right on the Gulf of Alaska. I don’t know how much we will get out since it’s suppose to rain all week but as long as we don’t run into any large animals it’s all good. I brought my nunchucks and running shoes just in case any wildlife that threatens our vacation. Well it’s getting pretty late here and I have to finish packing. Make sure to stop by later this week for an update and possible photos of our Alaskan adventure.
Before I leave though, I just wanted to thank you for stopping by our private little idaho here. If you feel you like a part of you has died while reading this I don’t blame you. The amount of time you wasted here can not be refunded……………… is gone forever.
Hey SOB’s! I hope that you have a safe trip and please, please take a TON of pictures! We love pictures! Update you site hourly on your web enabled phone…oh yes, that’s right…..Well, update it as often as you can. FYI: Throwing eachother into a caged bear at the Alaska Zoo does not count as a mauling, regardless of how realistic it looks. Update soon.
Hope you have a great trip! Loves ya