Bluff Beach

February 29, 2024

I was up by 8:00 and had a clear goal this morning of walking to picking up more sea glass, revenging my geocaching DNF, and walking the entire Playa Bluff beach. I’m happy to say check, check, and check.

First up was the sea glass treasure trove. Today I remembered to bring my beach treasure collecting bag, so I collected a few more pieces then I did the day before when I was just loading up my pockets. Today’s favorite piece was a yellow and big hunk of blue.

Next up was the geocache I couldn’t find yesterday. I read through all the previous log entries and looked at the image gallery for the cache. Today I had no problems finding it. I expanded my search by just a little and came up with the cache that was protected by a rubber spider. Always good to find a cache on Leap Day!

I continued down the road and made it back to Playa Bluff. Yesterday I walked just a tiny bit of the beach, but today my plan was to make it to the end. This was a nice sandy beach to walk (although no treasures), but not overly populated. I came across a bunch of surfers in some areas, but other then that, there was really nobody around. It was just me, beach, ocean, and jungle. It was perfect and I loved being in my happy place.

On the walk back I took my time at the sea glass treasure trove and picked up a few more pieces before I headed back to the AirBnB. I think I was gone for about 5 hours and I loved every second of it. When I got back I found Pete, Laurie, and Linda playing games. I drank some water and ate some chips before I got in the shower. This house doesn’t have hot water, but the cold shower actually felt pretty good after being out all morning.

I walked from the Red X by Playa Tortuga Hotel to the Red X at the end of the beach.

After getting clean and feeling refreshed I joined the gang for 3 games of Swoop. I don’t remember who won and loss all the games, but I do recall winning the last one. Laurie made noodles with Bertolli Vodka sauce for lunch. It hit the spot as I was pretty hungry after the big walk.

After lunch I cleaned up my glass and relaxed in the hammock on the deck. I finished the book I was reading last night, so today I started a new book “Origins” by Dan Brown. I only read the prologue and Chapter 1 before I started feeling sleepy swaying in the hammock. I closed my eyes but didn’t fall asleep. It was still nice to just lay and relax in the hammock. The temperature felt perfect.

Laurie had mentioned getting pizza at a pizza place just down the road from our AirBnB for supper. At 6:30 I came in from the deck to find everyone lounging in their room when I announced “Whose ready for pizza?” Linda decided she was still full from lunch, but Pete, Laurie and I walked down to Ciao Pizza. This was another excellent meal. I had the veggie pizza that had zucchini, mushroom, artichoke, garlic, and cheese. It was super delicious and I even ate 90% of my crusts.

We walked back home and called it a night with everyone off to do their own thing. Tomorrow we leave Bocos del Toro to start heading back to Panama City.

Stats of the Day

Steps: 22,334
Pieces of Sea Glass & Pottery: 113
Geocaches Avenged: 1
Miles Walked: Approximately 8


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