Category: Iceland

  • Epic!

    June 18, 2017
    It was nice to sleep in a bit on our last morning in Iceland and not be rushed. I got…
  • Getting Wet In Iceland

    June 17, 2017
    Per our tour guide, Kristin, we had a strict schedule to stick to today so that we could make it…
  • Glacier Adventure

    June 16, 2017
    This morning we were up and at them early as we booked a 9:30 glacier walk tour.  Breakfast was included…
  • The Road Less Traveled

    June 14, 2017
    We took our time getting ready this morning while Brandon and Kristin enjoyed breakfast and a walk around the little…
  • Chasing Waterfalls

    June 14, 2017
    Although the little cabin was the darkest room we've had for sleeping so far on this trip, we all somehow…
  • A Day in Myvatn

    June 14, 2017
    It felt so good to get a good night's sleep last night. I went to bed at 11:30 and didn't…
  • White Water Rafting – Iceland!!

    June 12, 2017
    Today was the day Brandon has been waiting for our whole trip. The only thing he really wanted to do…
  • Driving North Iceland

    June 11, 2017
    We got a slow start to our morning after a short night's sleep (so hard to go to bed at…
  • Go Pro . . . . .Take a Photo!

    June 10, 2017
    We slept ok for it never really getting dark, but then again we had been up for 24+ hours with…
  • Iceland – One Long Day

    June 9, 2017
    Today begins another travel adventure. This time we are headed to Iceland with friends from work, Brandon and Kristin. Tom…