Click . . . Click . . . Click

August 21, 2008

This morning we headed to the Mt. McKinley Princess Lodge via train. The train ride was about 3 hours long and not overly impressive. Shockingly, only two pictures were taken on the ride. Once we arrived to Talkeetna, we decided to take the 1 hour ride to the lodge instead of staying in the small town.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous and sunny. Once at the lodge we sat on the deck and looked at the amazing view of Mt. McKinley. Upon reading our Alaska guide book and viewing our excursion options, we decided to go for it and take a Mt. McKinley flight seeing tour (good thing Tom is a little looser with the wallet than I am, or I would never experience these amazing excursions).

Here is where the title of this blog entry comes into play. Tom was so overwhelmed by the view, that he took over 300 pictures on the flight alone. Thank goodness the morning was slow for picture taking. We’ll be spending a lot of time going through the pictures and whittling them down. We’re staying two nights at the lodge and not sure yet what we’ll be doing tomorrow . . . probably editing photos. 🙂



  • Anonymous

    OK, South Carolina doesnt have that big pile of rocks. You got me there… But we do have LOTS of little rocks. We call it Mount Sandy Beach

  • Hey its Mom who is trying to find out how much daylight you get each day. I didn’t know aht I was doing the other day. I am really enjoying your updates. Its almost like being with you. Ha! Ha!

  • Hey Mooney’s thank you for the comment. You would be correct in guessing that the photos were taken with professional equipment. The photos were taken with a Nikon D200 and slightly “enhanced” in Photoshop. The panoramic photo was from a bunch of pictures stitched together. Can’t wait to torture you guys with the rest of our photos when we get home 🙂

  • Your pictures are amazing! What kind of camera are you using? They are like professional photos.

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