Girls Trip 2019 – Bermuda!

November 10, 2019

Girls trip 2019!!! Bermuda!! After having spent an awesome weekend with my friends Erica and Amanda back in May I suggested that we should go on a girl’s trip. We tossed some ideas around and what started with a 4 day trip to Myrtle Beach turned into a week in Bermuda!

To get to Bermuda, Erica and I left from O’Hare and traveled through Miami, while Amanda left from San Antonio and traveled through JFK in New York. Erica and I were scheduled to arrive 5 minutes before Amanda. We were sitting in the back of the plane and were at the back of the immigration line in Bermuda. While I was at the immigration officer and Erica was still in line behind me, we heard Amanda say “Erica!” She had been sitting in front of her plane and was now just a couple of people behind Erica in the immigration line. The timing couldn’t have worked out any better. The flight from Miami to Bermuda had some pretty significant turbulence and I have to admit, thoughts of flying into the Bermuda Triangle went through my mind. However there had been a storm and it was still raining when we landed. The landing was a little rough and felt like we swayed all over the runway, but we made it! By the time we got to the hotel it was after 10:00p.m. We enjoyed the complimentary bottle of wine that was left for us and then hit the sack.

It’s a double rainbow!

Erica and I woke up around 7:00ish and sat on our balcony enjoying the ocean view. Although it was cloudy and cool, it was still nice and was made even better when a rainbow appeared. We were all feeling lazy but eventually got going and we moved a little quicker when we realized we only had 20 minutes to make it to the free breakfast buffet before they closed at 10:00. We were pleasantly surprised when we checked in and they told us that breakfast is included with our stay. I had a delicious omelet made to order along with an assortment of other breakfast items. All delicious.

After breakfast we wandered around the property to get familiar with the lay of the land. It was cool and windy (probably around 68 degrees), but as we wandered the sun came out and it felt much nicer. Unfortunately as were exploring Amanda slipped on some algae on a cement ramp leading down to the beach and tweaked her back. She decided to stay back in the room and stretch her back while Erica and I walked about 20 minutes to a grocery store.

Along the way I introduced Erica to her first geocache. My compass wasn’t moving so I wasn’t sure of the exact direction, but the feet continued to go down and after reading the hint the cache was in hand. One down, 268 to go!! Lol!

Not a great selfie of the cache. It looks like I missed it in the photo. It was pretty windy as indicated by my hair.

Our taxi driver from last night had been telling us how expensive groceries were here, and visiting the grocery store we got to see it with our own eyes. A 12 pack of A&W Root Beer was $20! Good thing I’m not a big soda drinker! We picked up some snacks, juice, beer, and wine and made our way back. Amanda was feeling a little better and we decided to go to the indoor pool/spa area. We read they had a hot tub, but didn’t see it when we had wandered around earlier in the morning. Low and behold it was in the same area as the indoor pool, but just tucked away in a corner. It’s really great that they have an indoor pool because it had turned windy and rainy shortly after we had gotten back from the store.

We got ready for dinner and walked a half mile or so from the resort to a bar/restaurant. There was nobody in the restaurant and there wasn’t much room at the bar outside, but the workers said they would put the Packer game on in the downstairs restaurant. I had fish tacos and Amanda and Erica had fish and chips. Their fish was much better then my tacos. We stayed until half time and then walked back to the hotel bar where we watched the rest of the game. We came back to the room and played Phase 10 (Amanda beat me by 10 points!!).

It was a relaxing day being with girls. The weather is supposed to be better tomorrow so we are planning on venturing out on the city bus and seeing some beaches!

Stats of the Day

Steps Walked: 12,870
Geocaches Found: 1
Temperature: 67-72 degrees, windy, rainy, sometimes sunny.


1 comment

  • Thanks for the daily “blog”. I am going to try this when we are gone.
    I will send you a picture of our day, it should make you feel better about your situation.

    I have completed two meals for Kris and kids, two more to do!!

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