Gnomes in Paris

October 7, 2010

Today started very early as we packed up and headed to St. Pancras Station to catch the high speed train to Paris. Wow! Was that train ever fast but yet smooth. We didn’t really even know when we were going under The English Channel because other parts of the ride were underground too. I was mostly surprised by how much my ears popped, and that was well before the English Channel. So once again we arrived in a city without hotel reservations. While we were standing in the train station trying to decide which direction we were going to go a young gypsy girl came up to Tom and asked him if he spoke English. He flat out said “No!”. She walked away, but we were joking about it all day because it sounded so funny. So once again we wondered around looking for a hotel and after 3 hotels said they were full, we decided to grab a bite at a nearby cafe. I think I had the best pizza ever, and we haven’t even made it to Italy yet. But what I thought was even better was that the restaurant had a gnome theme. I’m not even kidding that I did not notice the gnomes until we sat down and looked at the menu which had a gnome on it. Too crazy! After lunch we tried another near by hotel (Alane Hotel) and took the last room. I’m so excited that his hotel has a hair dryer! I didn’t bring my own and my hair was driving me crazy in London. Ahh the little things. We finally were able to move on with our day and took an open bus tour to get a feel for the city. Traffic here was insane! The weather was perfect and it looks to be a high of 74 degrees tomorrow as well. Glad we got an overview today. Tomorrow we explore more.



  • Anonymous

    I forgot to sign my name to the above post.

  • Anonymous

    BLT and Mexican food in London; pizza in Paris…hmmm…so much for a cultural food experience! lol

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