Go Pro . . . . .Take a Photo!

June 10, 2017

We slept ok for it never really getting dark, but then again we had been up for 24+ hours with only light napping in-between (we did wake up at 5:00 with no alarm though). I had stayed up until 11:30 writing the blog, but because I was so tired it definitely needed editing in the morning. For having gotten up so early, we were still running late for our meet time for breakfast of 8:30. The hotel provided a very nice breakfast to include waffles, deli meats, swiss cheese, hard-boiled eggs, and fruit.

Before we got on our way, Tom decided he wanted to mount the GoPro to the outside of the car like a hood ornament. It wasn’t the best time to be futzing with this as we were kind of in the middle of the street to load our luggage, but luckily a space opened up in front of us. As I was watching him put it on the hood, I asked him repeatedly if it as secure. It looked wobbly, but he said it was good to go. We went about 4 blocks at a speed of no more than 30 MPH before we watched the GoPro fall off the car. Luckily nobody was behind us and we were able to pull over so Tom could go out and retrieve it from the middle of the street. Thankfully there is only a small knick on the corner of the camera case and we weren’t on a major road when it happened.

We stopped to get gas before we headed out of the city and took three tries before we got the tank full. You have to select how many liters you want to fill instead of just letting it run till the tank is full. It was a frustrating process, but now we know.

It was finally time to get on the road and explore the Western part of Iceland and the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. After driving for about 40 minutes we came upon a tunnel that went under water for about 3 miles. Upon coming out on the other side and paying a toll, there was a nice spot to turn off and take a break and check-out the view. Tom had been playing with the GoPro car mount and figured how to properly secure it, so he put it back on. This time we all could tell it was on properly. It wasn’t going anywhere. The GoPro took one picture every 1 second as we were driving. Over 12,000 pictures were taken!! Don’t worry we won’t hold a photo slide show for you all to sit through them one-by-one! Tom will combine them to make a short video and then we’ll be able to re-live our couple hour drive in less than 8 minutes!

The views were very beautiful today, and unfortunately the pictures really don’t do it justice. We were very fortunate to have a warm (warmer than yesterday), dry, sunny day. We found a place along the way to go for a short hike up to a cave that we really enjoyed, hikes along the sea cliffs, and down to a black pebble beach.

Around 7:30 we were finally rolling into the town near our AirBnB location for the evening where we found a nice restaurant. Tom and I shared a lobster pizza and amazing caprese salad. When we got back in the car after dinner, I accidentally dropped Kristin’s chapstick between the seats. As I was looking it for, I realized the parking break had been on since we picked up the car! No wonder we felt the poor Subaru wasn’t in the best operating condition! It hadn’t been fully pulled, but enough I’m sure to make the car not quite right. I had been seeing a red light on the dashboard that I had assumed was a low tire pressure light. Turns out, it was the parking break light!! Ah well, just glad we discovered it on day 2 and not day 9.

We found our AirBnB with little trouble and are happy to relax for a few hours by going through pictures and writing this blog (and finding out when the sunsets). As it turns out, it is just after midnight and it is finally dusk.


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