Goodbye Hawaii

February 22, 2015

SOB_6275The week has gone by fast and it was already time to return to Oahu.  After another good breakfast at the Kilauea Military Camp cafeteria we made our way back to Hilo to catch our flight to Honolulu.  As we waited in the airport I used a new app that I was introduced to called Hotels Tonight to find a room.  Three choices came up, and for a little cheaper than what we paid to stay near the airport, I got a hotel right across the street from the beach.  I thought this would be perfect since our goal for the day was to relax on the beach.

Upon landing in Honolulu we saw that it was nothing by grey skies and light rain.  This did not fit into our plan of laying out on the beach.  So instead of going straight to the beach we decided to grab lunch and went to Cheeseburgers in Paradise.  Unfortunately this was the worse meal of the trip.  They advertised that they cooked all their burgers to medium with a light pink center so that all the burgers would be juicy.  Ours did not come out as advertised.  Both were overcooked, dry, and hard. After the disappointing lunch, grey wet skies , we felt at a loss of what to do and ended up just strolling around Waikiki.  I attempted a geocache, but the area was very busy and it wasn’t obvious so I quickly gave up.  We decided to wander over to the Hale Koa and roam the BX there.  We didn’t end up buying anything and went to walk the beach.  It had stopped raining, but it was still cloudy.  We came upon the Hale Koa water sports shack and decided to rent an aqua cycle for 30  minutes.  It was nice to get on the ocean, even though it didn’t require us to get in or get wet.  We walked along the beach back to our hotel where I ended up getting drenched by a wave crashing in.  I wasn’t going to change before dinner, but now I definitively was.

We met up with some friends that came on the Space A at Lu Lu’s restaurant at the end of Waikiki.  We didn’t join their family for dinner, but decided to sit at the bar and have a couple of drinks.  We eventually decided to order and shared the steak fajitas.  They were good and 10 times better than our lunch meal.  Overall it was kind of a bummer of a day, but a rainy day in Honolulu is better than a freezing cold day in Wisconsin!

It’s hard to believe we came to Hawaii for almost a week and I didn’t put my swimming suit on once. Overall though, we really enjoyed hiking Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and exploring the Big Island.  If we’re lucky enough to return to Hawaii, the next island we’ll explore will be Kaui. Until next time Hawaii, Mahalo.


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