Hawaii Bound!!

February 16, 2015

Tom and Jess Diamond HeadEvery now and again, the military affords us opportunites to catch a ride if it’s going on a mission and there is space available.  We are so fortunate that we were once again, we were able to catch a flight to Hawaii during another cold stretch of Wisconsin weather.  Monday morning we got up as if we were going to work, but instead of going to our office we headed to the Small Air Terminal to check-n for our flight.

After 9 or so hours in the air, we landed at Hickam around 2:30. Walking off the plane, I felt as if we were coming home in some sort of way as I have been fortunate enough to have visited this Island on 5 other occasions. With plenty of day left due to the time zone change, we headed to our hotel at the airport, freshened up and took the city bus down to Waikiki for dinner.

20150216_182816The bus is cheap ($2.50/person) but the ride seems like it takes forever with all the stops.  I’m glad we were able to make it to the beach in time to catch the incredible Hawaiian sunset.  We opted to go to Duke’s on the beach for dinner.  It was a long wait, but with a mai tai in hand, it was all good.  By the end of dinner, we were both feeling exhausted and decided it was worth the extra money to take a taxi back to the hotel as it was going to be another early morning for us on Tuesday since we had had a 6:00a.m. flight to the Big Island.

Thanks Hawaii for having us back. It’s great to be here.


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