Lunch with Alissa in Palermo

February 15, 2019

3:30a.m. came quick and we were soon out the door to catch the shuttle bus back to the airport. We boarded the bus and Tom watched a free show out the window. A local drunk was stumbling and talking to the bus operator and driver and seemingly looking to pick a fight. We couldn’t understand anything he was saying in Italian, but apparent he said something that the driver had enough of and he took a couple of swings at him. I don’t know what actually came of the situation, but I think the drunk just stumbled off.

We made it through the check-in process and security with ease and made the long walk to the gate. We had just enough time to buy a sandwich that we split for breakfast and we were soon in the air to Palermo.

The hotel that we booked with in Palermo had provided us with information on a couple of different transportation methods leaving the airport. We found the shuttle bus they recommended, and before we knew it we were at our stop and on our way to the hotel. Once again the hotel was able to provide us a room right away on arrival. The owner showed us to our room and provided a mini-tour/instruction. It’s a newer room with a memory foam mattress (big plus). We could tell the owner was proud of his hotel and I’m quite pleased with it already.

Like yesterday, we found the need to take a nap right away. Well actually, Tom did, I posted the blog post I had written on the airplane, then I laid down too. We got up after 1:00 and was just getting organized when our niece Alissa called to make plans to meet up. We got some directions and recommendations from the front desk and made our way to the Opera House where we were going to meet Alissa.

Again we have been blessed with a beautiful sunny day with a temperature in the high 50’s. We sat and enjoyed the sun on our face as we waited for her. Once we met up we headed toward a restaurant our hotel recommended. Lunch time in Italy is after 2 and we were more then hungry and ready to eat. I got a rice dish and Alissa and Tom got a pasta dish. Once again I felt like I made the right choice when I tried a bite of theirs, as their pasta also had fish in it, but the fish taste was a little overwhelming for me. As we waited for the bill I pulled out the phone to check if there was any geocaches nearby and low and behold there was one 26 feet away. Needless to say, when we walked out the restaurant I walked across the street and grabbed the cache.

We continued the afternoon and strolled around the city stopping to take a couple of pictures until we met up with Alissa’s host mother. After chatting with her for a little bit we said good night and Alissa headed home with her and we came up to our room. Still feeling exhausted from the early mornings and jet lag we called it an early night.

Stats of the Day

Geocaches: 1
Steps Walked: 14,570
High Temperature: 59 degrees – felt like 63


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