Mission Impossible

October 17, 2010

Had a great night’s sleep last night and began today with breakfast in our room. Breakfast is included with the price of the room, and since the hotel does not currently have a dining room, they bring breakfast to you. Breakfast consisted of bread, cheese, ham, yogurt, an apple, and orange juice. Not bad! So we said a little prayer last night that we would have good weather for our 6 hour tour of Prague today, and I think it turned out pretty good. No rain, pretty sunny, but just a tad bit chilly. There were 13 people in our group today and a dog. Seriously, who brings their tiny yipping dog with them in one of those duffle bag type dog carriers on a 6 hour walking tour of Prague? Well this lady from Belgium, that’s who. The dog would bark and go crazy every time it would see another animal. I wonder if the dog enjoyed the tour? Our guide was a college student who did a good job dealing with our group (the crazy lady with the dog who was always running behind, and the older lady who had knee and back problems so she had some struggles walking and handling stairs), but she was a little soft-spoken and sometimes it was hard to understand her English. Lunch was in a medieval restaurant that really was only lit by candles . . . To include the bathrooms. It was pretty close to eating and peeing in the dark, but the food and beer was good (both Tom and I chose the schnitzel). The boat ride on the river that was part of the tour was ok. We didn’t really go far . . . Just got a different view of the city and learned a little more history. After the tour was over, we looked in some of the shops and decided to go back to Charles Bridge to see if we could catch the sunset over the castle. When we got there I remembered that there was an Italian restaurant on the river that our guide had pointed out as being relatively inexpensive and good, with a great view of the castle, so we decided to go there for dinner. Coming out of the restaurant we heard, “Rolling. Action” and then some gun fire. Then we realized we were walking out to the filming of Mission Impossible 4. We stuck around for a couple more takes of the scene. We couldn’t really see anything, but we did see an actor (maybe it was Tom Cruise, maybe it was the bad guy in the movie, or maybe it was a stunt double) running. We just saw the person’s back so no real way to verify. I guess we’re gonna have to see the movie. We didn’t stay and watch too long because we needed to get back to the Old Town Square so we could go on the Ghost Walking tour that was included with our tour earlier in the day. The ghost tour basically consisted of walking to some of the sights and hearing some ghost stories about things that did/or didn’t occur. It was ok. Nothing to scary or believable. Overall it was a pretty good day.


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