Two SOB's

Our travels, our adventures, our memories

Welcome to Two SOB's, our personal blog where we document our travels, our adventures and other random moments.

Thanks for visiting!

  • Cabo San Lucas!!

    January 27, 2018
    Well it's been a little more than 6 months since our last vacation, so when the itch surfaced in December, I booked a trip to Cabo San Lucas through Apple Vacations. We ended up getting a super deal when the charter airline cancelled our outbound flight. When I called Apple…
  • Epic!

    June 18, 2017
    It was nice to sleep in a bit on our last morning in Iceland and not be rushed. I got up around 8:30. Kristin and I lounged for a few minutes in our matching pajamas before we started the task of re-packing our bags for the trip home.  I also…
  • Getting Wet In Iceland

    June 17, 2017
    Per our tour guide, Kristin, we had a strict schedule to stick to today so that we could make it to our snorkeling excursion time at 5:00. Kristin, Brandon, and I headed out at 8:00 to go to the black sand beach. Kristin and Brandon wanted to gather some sand…
  • Glacier Adventure

    June 16, 2017
    This morning we were up and at them early as we booked a 9:30 glacier walk tour.  Breakfast was included in our hotel stay, and after downing a ham and cheese sandwich we were on our way. We got to our meet location early, so just for giggles I pulled…
  • The Road Less Traveled

    June 14, 2017
    We took our time getting ready this morning while Brandon and Kristin enjoyed breakfast and a walk around the little city. It was nice to relax since Tom and I had stayed up late the night before working on our blog entries and going through our photos. For breakfast I…
  • Chasing Waterfalls

    June 14, 2017
    Although the little cabin was the darkest room we've had for sleeping so far on this trip, we all somehow woke up tired. We got back on the road around 10:15 and made our first stop to a grocery store to pick up some food for breakfast. I was pleasantly…
  • A Day in Myvatn

    June 14, 2017
    It felt so good to get a good night's sleep last night. I went to bed at 11:30 and didn't wake up until 8:00. That's the first night since we've been here that I was able to sleep the whole night through. We got back on the road a little…
  • White Water Rafting – Iceland!!

    June 12, 2017
    Today was the day Brandon has been waiting for our whole trip. The only thing he really wanted to do was go white water rafting. We made it out of the AirBnB by 7:10 and was on the road for the hour and a half ride to Viking River rafting.…
  • Driving North Iceland

    June 11, 2017
    We got a slow start to our morning after a short night's sleep (so hard to go to bed at a decent hour when it stays light out all the time). We left the AirBnB at 10:00ish and began our 6 hour drive to our next location. With no pre-planned…
  • Go Pro . . . . .Take a Photo!

    June 10, 2017
    We slept ok for it never really getting dark, but then again we had been up for 24+ hours with only light napping in-between (we did wake up at 5:00 with no alarm though). I had stayed up until 11:30 writing the blog, but because I was so tired it…
  • Iceland – One Long Day

    June 9, 2017
    Today begins another travel adventure. This time we are headed to Iceland with friends from work, Brandon and Kristin. Tom and I have been talking about going to Iceland since we saw it on an episode of "The Bachelor" and then subsequently saw an article on cheap airfare to Iceland.…
  • Catamaran Excursion and Last Day

    January 28, 2017
    On Thursday we spent the morning relaxing by the pool and walking on the beach. In the afternoon we met up at 2:00 for our catamaran excursion. The first bus didn't have enough seats so we had to wait about a half an hour for them to bring another bus…