Two SOB's

Our travels, our adventures, our memories

Welcome to Two SOB's, our personal blog where we document our travels, our adventures and other random moments.

Thanks for visiting!

  • Portugal – Travel Day to Porto

    May 28, 2024
    Over the past couple of years Tom has been watching a ton of videos and researching Portugal. He has fallen in love with this country before he has even stepped foot in it so when we were deciding where we should go to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary, Portugal seemed…
  • Travel Day Home from Turks & Caicos

    April 27, 2024
    I actually set an alarm this morning because I didn't want to miss one last opportunity to walk the beach. I woke Erica up at 6:45 (Amanda told me the night before she was going to choose sleep over beach). We got out the door by 7:00 and headed to…
  • Geocaching in Turks & Caicos

    April 26, 2024
    It was nice to sleep in a little bit this morning as I didn't wake up until 8:30. We left the house about 10:30 and I dropped Amanda and Erica off at the place they like to get coffee and blueberry muffins. I proceeded to go snag the geocache near…
  • Kayak Tour and Fish Fry

    April 25, 2024
    Today was an early start as we needed to be to the marina (the same spot we went to catch the ferry to North Caicos) for 8:15 for our kayaking tour. We found where we needed to be and discovered the tour was just going to consist of us and…
  • Northern Beaches of Providenciales

    April 24, 2024
    Erica had a meeting this morning, so we took our time getting ready and lounged around. I did spot a bird down by the pool and was able to use the Picture Bird App I accidentally acquired in Panama to identify the Yellow Crowned Night Heron. We got out the…
  • North and Middle Caicos Island Tour

    April 23, 2024
    We were up and out the door by 8:50. Everything on the island seems to be about 10-15 minutes away so we were by the ferry by 9:05. By 9:20 we were sitting on the ferry waiting for departure at 9:30. The ride over to North Caicos was the smoothest…
  • It’s Just So Blue!!

    April 22, 2024
    I was up slightly before my alarm this morning and got going right away. When Amanda got up we learned she had been sick during the night and still wasn't feeling the greatest. She was unsure if she would be able to dive. Erica and I suggested she try to…
  • Snorkeling Smith’s Reef

    April 21, 2024
    We didn't set alarms this morning and took our time getting moving. Erica was up first and set out to explore the surrounding area. She was excited that that she spotted 3 turtles in the canal. When I got up she was already gone and Amanda was still sleeping, so…
  • Girl’s Trip – Turks and Caicos

    April 20, 2024
    It's been 4 1/2 years since the last time Erica, Amanda, and I last took a girl's trip. While Amanda was home in January for my retirement celebration we decided that it had been too long, and started planning another. We tossed around several location ideas but eventually landed on…
  • Travel Day Home

    March 7, 2024
    Today is a travel day back home. I slept in a little bit and had my final bowl of Generic Coco Krispies while sitting on the balcony. It was then time to pack up. Thankfully there was a scale at this AirBnB and I discovered my check bag might be…
  • Last Full Day In Panama

    March 6, 2024
    Last full day in Panama. I can't hardly believe it. This past month has gone by so fast. I slept in and didn't get moving until after 9:00. We didn't have any big plans for our last day. As we traveled through the country we noticed a store called "I…
  • Guna Yala – Island Tour

    March 5, 2024
    Well sleeping in an over water cabin was about as amazing as I thought it would be (yes you should read that with a sarcastic tone). Although it did feel like I was back at girl scout camp, it was mostly hot and humid. The mosquito net somehow doesn't allow…