Two SOB's

Our travels, our adventures, our memories

Welcome to Two SOB's, our personal blog where we document our travels, our adventures and other random moments.

Thanks for visiting!

  • Walidup Island – Guna Yala

    March 4, 2024
    I think we were all afraid of missing our alarm as everyone said they were up before the alarm went off. I was out of bed and in the shower by 4:20. Our ride was prompt and picked us up right at 5:00. We began the journey to the other…
  • Geocaching in Panama City

    March 3, 2024
    This morning after getting ready and eating breakfast (generic Coco Krispies) Linda and I went to the Albrook Mall (, which is the largest Mall in Latin America. The American girls that had joined us for dinner when we did the cooking class had told Linda that they found a…
  • Travel Day Back to Panama City

    March 2, 2024
    Linda and I both woke up around 7:30. She hopped in the shower first as I finalized my airfare for my next adventure . . . return to the blog in April to read about a girls trip to Turks & Caicos! Our hotel stay included a free breakfast buffet.…
  • Travel Day To Santiago

    March 1, 2024
    There was not a lot on the agenda today other than to start our travels back to Panama City. We left the AirBnB at 10:00 and was able to hail a taxi from the end of our driveway to take us back to the water taxi port. Unfortunately we all…
  • Bluff Beach

    February 29, 2024
    I was up by 8:00 and had a clear goal this morning of walking to picking up more sea glass, revenging my geocaching DNF, and walking the entire Playa Bluff beach. I'm happy to say check, check, and check. First up was the sea glass treasure trove. Today I remembered…
  • Starfish Beach

    February 28, 2024
    I slept ok in the loft. It wasn't too hot, but I did wake up at 6:00 with what sounded like birds fluttering in the ceiling. I'm pretty sure they were outside, but they were loud enough that it disrupted my sleep. It had rained over night, so maybe what…
  • Travel Day to Bocas del Toro

    February 27, 2024
    Today was a travel day and we had to be out of our AirBnB by 11:00. I got up, got ready, and ate breakfast before I packed up my things. Pete and Laurie took a little longer to get ready so I had time to go outside and read a…
  • Boquete – Finca Lerida Hike

    February 26, 2024
    I got up around 8:00 today and after getting ready I ate a bowl of generic Coco Krispies for breakfast. Everyone seemed to be taking their time this morning so I went outside and read a few more chapters in my book. We got out the door sometime after 11:00…
  • Playa Barqueta

    February 25, 2024
    We took time this morning to lounge and relax. I didn't crawl out of bed until 9:00 and then made myself some scrambled eggs and toast. Everyone did kind of their own thing. I sat outside and read several pages of my book and called and talked to my mom…
  • Boquete – Pipeline Trail Hike

    February 24, 2024
    I woke up around 8:00 and got ready and had a bowl of generic Coco Krispies for breakfast. I think we got out the door around 10:40 to head back up to Boquete to hike the Pipeline Trail. Yes this is a different Pipeline Trail than the one we were…
  • San Pablo Viejo Down Day

    February 23, 2024
    Today was a very relaxing down day. Laurie made french toast for brunch and most of the day was spent outside at and in the pool. I'm glad I brought floating pool hammocks. They were perfect for lounging in the pool. I picked up a book that wasn't the Panama…
  • White Water Rafting

    February 22, 2024
    Excited to go rafting today, I was up early. I received a message from the tour company, Boquete Outdoor Adventures (, at 8:27 that the van had left and would be arriving at the Chiriqui Mall a few minutes earlier than the original meet time of 9:30. We decided to…