Two SOB's

Our travels, our adventures, our memories

Welcome to Two SOB's, our personal blog where we document our travels, our adventures and other random moments.

Thanks for visiting!

  • Boquete – Lost Waterfalls Trail

    February 21, 2024
    Today we planned to go hiking and didn't have a set time to get out the door, so I slept in until around 8:00. We got on the road about 10:45 to drive to Boquete which is about an hour away. Boquete is one of Panama's top destinations and is…
  • Travel Day to San Pablo Viejo

    February 20, 2024
    We didn't have to be out of our AirBnB until 11:00, so I slept in until 8:00ish. I probably should have got up and went for a morning walk to get some steps in since I knew most of the day would be in the car, but alas this morning…
  • Snorkeling Coiba National Park

    February 19, 2024
    I was up before my alarm of 6:45 and got ready and had a bowl of Coco Krispies before we set out for our snorkeling adventure day to Coiba National Park ( We arrived right on time for 8:00, but getting our snorkeling gear, paying our remainder balance, and waiting…
  • Santa Catalina

    February 18, 2024
    I was able to sleep in a bit this morning and didn't get moving until after 8:00. I had a bowl of Coco Krispies for breakfast before Linda and I ventured a short way down a dirt road to the beach. Pete and Laurie had checked it out yesterday when…
  • Travel Day to Santa Catalina

    February 17, 2024
    Tom set an alarm and got up super early to get to the rooftop to take a timelapse of the sunrise with his 360 degree camera. I never heard him leave, but when I did start to wake up I heard him in the living room and asked if he…
  • Back to Panama City

    February 16, 2024
    Last night was the worse night of sleep for me thus far of the trip. I think I went to bed at midnight and I was up at 4:00 needing to go to the bathroom. I came back to bed but I couldn't fall asleep. Last night when I made…
  • Down Day In Maria Chiquita

    February 15, 2024
    Having no absolute plans today we slept in. I was surprised when I got up and saw that it was overcast skies. This gave us no incentive to rush out the door and when it started to rain we definitely didn't feel the need to leave. Actually I think we…
  • Panama Rainforest Discovery Center

    February 14, 2024
    Tom was up early and out the door for his morning walk by 6:30 (5 miles this morning). I rolled over and tried to get some more sleep but found myself up by 7:00. I headed down to the beach to see if there were any more treasures to be…
  • Punta Chame

    February 13, 2024
    I heard Tom get up early to go for a walk, but I definitely did not feel like joining him this morning. I was just too tired and wanted the extra sleep. I rolled out of bed sometime after 8:00 and took my time getting ready. Tom was back after…
  • Canal and Cooking

    February 12, 2024
    For some reason I woke up incredibly early this morning and didn't think I would fall back asleep. Tom was stirring as well and we decided to get up and go for a walk. I was interested in getting steps, but I also wanted to see the sunrise. We were…
  • Superbowl Sunday

    February 11, 2024
    I took advantage of not having anything on our schedule today and slept in until 8:00. Tom on the other hand was up at 5:30 and went for a walk. A couple of hours and 7 miles later he came back before anyone had gotten up. I went for my…
  • Carnaval!

    February 10, 2024
    Not knowing what to expect for traffic and people, I set the alarm for 6:15am with the hopes to be out the door by 7:00. We actually made it out by 7:30 and was shocked when we had zero traffic issues. We made our way to Casco Viejo (the historic…