Two SOB's

Our travels, our adventures, our memories

Welcome to Two SOB's, our personal blog where we document our travels, our adventures and other random moments.

Thanks for visiting!

  • El Valle – Waterfall and Hiking

    February 9, 2024
    Today we (minus Ryan and Angie who opted to stay back) drove to the city of El Valle (means valley) to do some hiking and view a waterfall. When researching the night before, Google said that it was a 2 hour drive. When we (Tom, Vicente, Peyton and I) got…
  • Beach, Pool, and Traffic

    February 8, 2024
    Our first full day in Panama brought a casual day around the property. We lounged around the condo until mid-morning, before Laurie, Linda, Vicente, Peyton and I ventured down to the beach (and after Linda discovered the $6.49 milk was bad. It didn't smell bad, but the first spoonful of…
  • Panama – The Adventure Begins

    February 7, 2024
    It's winter in Wisconsin and time for another vacation! Last year Pete, Laurie, and Linda went to Mexico for 3 weeks and asked us to join them, but I couldn't go for that long due to work commitments. I told them to ask me again for 2024 because my situation…
  • Puerto Plata

    March 1, 2023
    It's winter and we live in Wisconsin, so you know what that means! It was time for us to escape the cold and snow and head to a beach. This year I started the search in January and after a full day of scouring the internet for anything from a…
  • Museum Day in Vegas

    November 13, 2022
    Tom hadn't yet spent anytime in the casino, so in the morning as I was getting ready and packing up he ventured down to the casino to try his luck. He was back up in the room 40 minutes later after not having any success on the electronic roulette table.…
  • Tosh!

    November 12, 2022
    Day 2 in Vegas and we woke up with only plans for the day of Daniel Tosh at 10:00p.m. We took our time getting ready and did some web surfing to solidify a plan of attack. On the ride back the night before we passed Area 15 ( and the…
  • Viva Las Vegas!

    November 11, 2022
    We stacked our calendar with a few trips this fall. After Tom had told me about our "mystery" trip last March, I got the idea that maybe I could surprise him with a trip for his 50th birthday. Well it turns out I'm horrible at planning surprises so I just…
  • Final Tour of the Trip

    October 23, 2022
    With no alarm set, it was another "late" wake-up this morning at 8:30. We got ready, packed our stuff, and shared the éclair from Mike's Pastry. The éclair was good, but not as good as the cannoli. To take it over the top, I would have put more chocolate on…
  • The Freedom Trail

    October 23, 2022
    We woke up the latest we had thus far on the trip and got up about 8:30. It was nice to sleep-in a little bit, but then again we had gone to bed quite a bit later the night before. After getting ready, we made our way to the lobby…
  • Rhode Island

    October 22, 2022
    The alarm went off at 6:30 and I got out of bed to take a peak outside and saw that the sky was clear accept for a few clouds on the horizon line and that the sun was starting to make it's appearance. I put on some wool socks, a…
  • Mt. Tom State Park

    October 21, 2022
    We set the alarm for 6:30 this morning as we knew we needed to get an earlier start if we wanted to do all the things we wanted to, and get to our nephew Jordon's house between 4:00 and 5:00. We did pretty good and got out the door by…
  • US Hwy 7 South

    October 20, 2022
    I got to bed pretty late last night, but I was up just after 7:00 to get our wash out of the dryer and get everything re-packed. While Tom was getting ready I got on the geocaching website and found several caches along Hwy 7 that we could easily stop…