Playa Barqueta

February 25, 2024

We took time this morning to lounge and relax. I didn’t crawl out of bed until 9:00 and then made myself some scrambled eggs and toast. Everyone did kind of their own thing. I sat outside and read several pages of my book and called and talked to my mom for an hour.

We got going about 1:00 and Linda, Laurie and I drove about 45 minutes to Playa Barqueta to check out the closest beach to where we are staying. Somehow it felt even hotter at the beach. There is not much development along the beach as it is protected for the benefit of four species of turtles. The beach stretched on for as far as the eye could see and longer. It was a a great beach to walk and the water felt warm. There were huge waves crashing to shore, but not a lot of beach treasure to be found. I was surprised that we even found 2 sand dollars because that was about all we came across. Linda, Laurie, and I walked for about a mile before Linda decided she had enough and turned around, but Laurie and I continued to walk for probably another mile before we turned around. We got back to where we started having walked 10,000 steps and found Linda relaxing under a shaded area. I was surprised when I glanced over to the people sitting next to us and saw they were using Old Milwaukee koozies. Having our fill of the beach we drove back to pick-up Pete and went out to dinner.

We all decided that we felt like Mexican for dinner. Laurie found there were 2 Mexican restaurants but only 1 was open on Sunday. We followed the GPS, but it didn’t take us anywhere near where the restaurant really was, so Laurie ended up navigating just off the map. As we have found driving in Panama, it is not as easy as it seems, because sometimes when you just want to go left you can’t. We eventually made it to our destination. The restaurant door seemed locked but the open sign was on. There was a doorbell so Linda rang it and just as we were about ready to leave the waitress opened the door and let us in. Linda ordered nachos and I got a chicken burrito and Laurie a beef burrito. When our food came it wasn’t one big burrito like we’re used to, but 3 about the size of enchiladas. The food was just ok and we felt this was the first not so great meal of the trip (and I forgot to take pictures of it).

When we got back we decided to play Sticks outside. The temperature felt real nice, but unfortunately during the second hand the wind picked up and blew the cards all over the place, so we had to move inside. Linda won the game of sticks. We then moved on to Swoop where we played three games and Pete, Laurie, and I each won a game. Everyone was a winner tonight!

Stats of the Day

Steps: 11,005
Amount of Skin Peeling Off My Back: Tons
Pages Read: 100


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