Playing in the Ocean

January 30, 2018

Today is a day where we had nothing planned. We had thought about taking the water taxi out to the Arch, but we saw 2 cruise ships in port and thought that it might be kind of busy so we said we would do it tomorrow. Other than the first day we got here, we hadn’t seen a cruise ship until today.

So after breakfast Laurie, Ryan, and I made our way down to the swimmable part of the beach. Ryan found the waves too boring and we grew tired of all the beach vendors strolling by asking us if we wanted to buy their stuff, so we started walking back towards our hotel where Ryan found waves better to his liking and still considered in the safe area. By this time Tom had finished doing whatever he wanted to do in the room (which I think was buy/trading cryptocurrency) and met up with us. Pete wasn’t feeling well and stayed in the room all day. Laurie and I set up on the side of the dune and watched Tom and Ryan get bounced around in the waves. Ryan’s giggle and laugh was of pure joy each time he got rolled around. We all eventually got in and enjoyed the very cool, but yet refreshing ocean. When Ryan had enough we headed to the pool bar where the Dirty Monkey’s were flowing. We downed a few of those and grabbed a snack at the lunch buffet and found chairs by the pool. I promptly put my head down and took a snooze.

When the sun had gone down we made our way back to the rooms to get ready for dinner. Tom and Laurie had stood in line and secured a 7:45 reservation in the steak restaurant. The steak was ok, better than dinner the night before, but not amazing. With our bellies full we called it a night.

Stats of the Day

Steps Walked: 6268

Cruise Ships in Port: 2

Dirty Monkey’s Consumed: Who was counting?


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