October 14, 2008
For those of you that have visited us in the past, you know we have affectionately named our master bathroom the “poop” bathroom. Not because this is what you do in the bathroom, but because the color of the wall (and it might inspire you to poop). While I was gone for six weeks back a few years ago, my dear husband painted the bathroom a very dark brown. It was never quite the color we were going for, so the time has come for the walls to be painted once again.
Three coats of primer later . . . we now have it ready to be painted once again. This time it will be “Cumberland Fog”, or in English, a light blue/gray. I know, I know. We just got rid of blue in the other bathroom, so you may be wondering why we are going with blue in this bathroom. Well, that’s because that’s what my husband decided and it will be a much subtler shade of blue.
But as in all house projects we of course had another surprise when we removed the light fixture. This time it was the appropriate hole, it’s just not centered with the sink. We picked out a light fixture today at BBC Lighting in Milwaukee, and of course for it took look right, Tom will have to move the electric box over and once again do drywall repair. He is getting really good at it!
We finally did pick out a floor. It was none of the options we blogged about earlier. When we went back to Menard’s we found a different floor we liked. It will be on the darker side but larger square titles. I was happy because it was actually the cheapest among the ones we looked at, and we are trying to keep these bathroom renovations to minimum cost. I do hope it looks good though!! It should be here in about two weeks.
1 comment
You guys are really motivated with the home projects lately! Nice! Can’t wait to see it in person!