Rainy & Sunny London

October 6, 2010

What started out to be a rainy dreary morning, turned into a great day seeing London and an awesome day spent with my cousin, Curt. Tom and I began our morning with a rainy exploration of Trafalgar Square. Next it was on to a walking tour which included watching a full changing of the guard ceremony. After a nice lunch at a local cafe where (with no surprise what-so-ever) Tom had a BLT, we walked back past Buckingham Palace. Now the sun had come out and it had turned into a beautiful afternoon! We took the suggestion from our walking tour guide and headed next to Winston Churchill’s War Rooms. What an interesting tour and museum! Here we met up with Curt and walked by West Minister Abbey and Parliment, on our way to the London Eye (giant ferris wheel). We were going to ride the eye, but was running short on time and decided to get a closer look of St. Paul’s Cathedral instead. At St. Paul’s Cathedral we were able to walk up approximately 247 steps to the dome to get an awesome view of London and a great workout. After all that walking some refreshments was definitely in order. Tom enjoyed a very fruity beer (even more so than the beloved Berry Weis) and I some London Ale! Curt’s fiance, James, was able to meet us for dinner at a nice Mexican restaurant! Yes I know, all the way to London to eat Mexican. It was the first time I have ever tried a mole sauce (chocolate and pepper sauce), and it was pretty good. Weird thing happened though when some kids with Halloween masks came by the tables saying Trick-or-treat and holding out a cup for money. At first I was confused because I didn’t think we had been gone that long, but than realized that they weren’t supposed to be in there. Restaurant staff was quick to show them the door. Was really great to see Curt and meet James. Early tomorrow morning we’re off to Paris! Some day we will have to come back to London though!



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