Road To Memory Lane

November 6, 2009

Hey Everyone!!

Tom is finally done with the business portion of his trip and now we move on to the vacation! Yesterday, while he was in his meetings I took the audio tour of the Queen Mary. The tour was pretty interesting and I got a lot of exercise walking all over the ship. In the afternoon I explored the Aquarium of the Pacific. It wasn’t a bad day of touring by myself. In the evening we had dinner with our friend Pete, who was also out here on business. Isn’t it funny that we live 40 minutes apart in Wisconsin, but had to come all the way to California to get together? It was great to catch up!!!


Today we will begin the trip down Tom’s memory lane, as we head back to the company in which he sold one of his art projects from college. He built a giant sculpture from the video game Quake. After a few phone calls, he was told the sculpture is still there, so we’re going to go check it out. After that, we head down the Pacific Coast Highway to visit the beaches. I’ve secured a room in Laguna Beach, so at least we know one more place we’ll be sleeping. The rest of the trip is still up for grabs. Tomorrow will be Day 2 of Memory Lane as we had to Fort Irwin.


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