San Pablo Viejo Down Day

February 23, 2024

Today was a very relaxing down day. Laurie made french toast for brunch and most of the day was spent outside at and in the pool. I’m glad I brought floating pool hammocks. They were perfect for lounging in the pool. I picked up a book that wasn’t the Panama guidebook for the first time since the vacation started, and began to read “Malibu Rising” which is by the same author of “Daisy Jones and the Six”. So far I like it.

Linda said she was feeling like hamburgers for dinner so I Googled “burgers near me” and found Slabon. Pete’s stomach was bothering him all day, so he stayed home while we went out to dinner. Slabon felt very American from the American music to the placemats, but it was super delicious. Laurie had a vanilla milkshake, I had an Oreo milkshake, while Linda had a mango smoothie. I got a three slider meal so that I could try three different burgers. I had the Oaxaca, the Mushroom Swiss, and the Retro Cheeseburger. Check out there menu at: if your curious what was on each burger or to see their wide variety of choices. We all left quite full and happy with our meals.

When we got back I had just over 600 steps for the day and was feeling full, so I set out for a walk around the neighborhood. My goal was to hit 10,000 steps. I started out by myself, but I ran across Pete and Laurie who had ventured out for a walk as well. I joined them for a bit, but when they were done I was only at 7,000 steps so I said I would keep going until I hit my goal. I walked two more big laps around the neighborhood and reached my goal feeling less full and a lot better.

We didn’t play any games tonight. Everyone just kind of settled in to do their own thing. Tomorrow we plan to head back up to Boquete to hike another trail.

Stats of the Day:

Steps: 10,259
Pages Read: 92
SPF Sunscreen Applied As Not To Make That Mistake Again: 50 on my back/30 everywhere else


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