Sea Glass Beach Adventure
Even though we were exhausted yesterday, we stayed up for the entire Lions game. We were disappointed to see the NFC North totally fall apart in the playoffs. Also the people in the room next to us had their TV on really loud and the walls must be made of paper because we could hear it clear as day. Needless to say we didn’t fall asleep until after midnight and didn’t set any alarms for the morning. I think we were up around 8:00 and took our time getting ready. The first stop of the day was to the grocery store. Here we picked up water, apples, and a ham and cheese croissant for each of us for breakfast. The prices were not too terrible.
Next, I tried to get the geocaching app working on Tom’s phone (since he is paying for service here), but I couldn’t get it working so I just opted for the next best thing. I had him navigate us to sea glass beach . . . the whole reason I picked this location. We got close and parked, but a nice lady came out and told us that we could drive even closer. We were still a little unsure of where to go exactly and parked in which we thought was the right location. We started walking in the direction of the beach but with no clear path we were still a little unsure. Luckily for us some nice locals were driving by and I asked them where to go. The young man was so nice and volunteered to walk us to the path down to the beach. I’m not sure if we would have found it without him.
We made it to down to the beach which was not huge, but had big concentrated piles of sea glass. This is what I had expected from the video I had previously seen. Two other ladies were on the beach and they must have been there for awhile because they already had a gallon bag full of glass. I talked to them for a bit and found they also follow the same guy I do on Facebook that had led them here. They also told me the real treasure trove was around the bend, but to get there you would have to walk/climb the rocky (boulders) shore. Tom had been hanging in the shade so I walked over to him and ask if he was up for an adventure. He didn’t seem real thrilled, but he obliged. We slowly made our way, which I didn’t think was too terrible, but Tom on the other hand wasn’t loving. There was only one place where we felt it was safer to walk in the water then climb the rock. We were both wearing tennis shoes, and he agreed to make the trek through the water and all. When we got over to the other beach it was full of sea glass and was the actual beach where I had seen the original video that inspired this trip. Tom was not impressed. I was in heaven. Unfortunately there was no shade on this other stretch of beach so Tom headed back over the rocks to hang in the shade while I hunted. I was really hoping to find some marbles, but I had no such luck today. I did find some sea coins (bottoms of bottles that are completely in tack and smoothed), some pieces of blue, and a cool piece of a coke bottle. I tried to be choosy in what I picked up. Not wanting to leave Tom hanging on the rocks too long I headed back sooner than I probably would have otherwise. I super enjoyed the adventure, Tom not so much.
Upon leaving the beach, I had one more goal for the day which was to find at least one geocache. There is only a handful on St. Kitts and I read through most of them. I had Tom drive us a couple of miles up the road to the Veterinary School where all I needed to do was ask the security guard at the front gate for the cache. This was supposed to be easy peasy. Unfortunately when I asked the guard he had no idea what I was talking about. He called his supervisor who came over and he didn’t know what I was talking about either. Both were super friendly and wanted to help. I pulled up pictures from previous cachers to show them what the box looked like and even showed him other gate guards. The one guard recognized one of the people in the picture. She wasn’t working today so he texted and tried calling her. She didn’t answer so I was not able to score the cache. Tom did have a nice conversation with the guard about video games. Still in search of a cache we headed to a monument in the center of town. It was a multi-cache and thankfully it was pretty easy and I was able to make the find. There was also a virtual cache in this location. I gathered all the necessary information, but when I got back to complete the cache I must have something wrong because it wasn’t working. I messaged the cache owner and they pointed me in the right direction. Good to know that number and digits don’t mean the same thing!
Having now gotten my cache for the day, I told Tom the next stop was Shipwreck Beach Bar and Grill ( as he definitely deserved a drink. We both really enjoyed the vibe of the place. It was nice to sit in the shade and enjoy a drink and converse with locals who told us about places and restaurants we should check out. We also ate while we were here and shared a fish dinner that was excellent. I walked the stretch of beach while Tom enjoyed another drink and when I got back we watched the sunset. With the sun gone I paid our tab and we headed out so we could drive back while we still had some daylight. Shipwreck is probably only 10 minutes from the hotel, but with driving on the opposite side of the road and the hills I didn’t really want to venture in the dark.
Back at the resort we put our stuff in our room and then headed across the street to the mini version of the supermarket we went to in the morning to buy beer. It is much cheaper at the store with it costing about $1.35 a bottle versus paying for it in the bar. We also got an ice cream treat. We took a beer down to the lobby to watch the Ravens and Bills game and met a nice lady name Denise that we chatted with while we watched the game. At half-time we headed back to the room and called it a night.
Stats of the Day
Steps: 12,245
Number of Times I Turned on the Windshield Wipers Because It Is Located Where The Turn Signal Is On My Car: About a Million
Geocaches: 2/3
The Chance Tom Agrees to Go Back to Sea Glass Beach: 25%