Superbowl Sunday

February 11, 2024

I took advantage of not having anything on our schedule today and slept in until 8:00. Tom on the other hand was up at 5:30 and went for a walk. A couple of hours and 7 miles later he came back before anyone had gotten up. I went for my walk in the late morning and it consisted of only small steps on the beach looking for beach glass and other beach treasures. When I told Tom I was going to go comb the beach he asked if I was going to use a pick. I didn’t really react to the remark so he asked if I understood the reference, which I did not know he was talking about the movie Space Balls. I have not seen the movie so I didn’t get it, but I thought it was most ironic that I almost immediately found a comb and pick combo on the beach. I also found several nice pieces of green and brown glass.

The sun was beating down and I had my fill of the hunt after an hour and a half so I headed back up to the condo. When I got back Vicente and Peyton were packing up and getting ready to go to another AirBnB for the night. I invited myself to ride along to drop them off and ultimately ended up driving, with Laurie and Linda coming along as well. I thought Vicente had told me that their AirBnB was just 15 minutes away, but apparently that was as the crow flies, but in reality it was about a 45 minute drive. Luckily there were no traffic issues. The AirBnB was very nice and cute. After dropping them off at a nearby beach, we made our way back to our condo. We sat outside on our patio and while Laurie and Pete went for a walk, we discussed with Ryan what he would like to do on Tuesday, since we didn’t have anything yet planned for that day. He mentioned snorkeling so I began researching where we could go.

When Pete and Laurie got back from their walk we headed back to Costa Verde to see what we could find for dinner. We went back to the mall and wandered a bit before we went back to the grocery store and picked up a few more items. We decided not to eat at the mall, but head to a restaurant up the street that Vicente had pointed out a few days before. Unfortunately they were closed, but nearby was Costa Verde Food Park which contains several different restaurants (some like food trucks, but most contained in a shipping container). There were all types of food to choose from like pizza, Mexican, soup, ceviche, arepas, grill, and seafood. Some of the vendors were closed but the Mexican place smelled amazing and we all ordered food from there. Linda only wanted one taco, but the plate came with three so Tom and I said we would each eat a taco. Tom also said he wouldn’t order anything specifically for himself and he would just graze off of Linda and I, so I ordered a chicken chimichanga and threw in a small order of nachos. The nachos came out first and they were really good and the right size for 3 people to share. Next came out the tacos, and they were super delicious. Honestly, we could have been done with just the tacos and nachos, but the chimichanga was still due to come out. When it did, it was by far the largest chimichanga I have ever seen in my life. Needless to say, we probably only ate 1/8th of it and asked for a box to take the rest back. It was super delicious as well.

While at dinner we discussed watching the Superbowl and I found that we could live stream it with Paramount Plus. Laurie has a Paramount Plus account so that was perfect. We got back and immediately started figuring out the smart tv in the living room to have Laurie login to her account. It didn’t work and upon further Googling I found that the stream was only in the U.S. and we would need a VPN to get it to work. Tom had a VPN account before, but it was currently inactive. He was able to get it set up on his tablet and after a few hiccups we had the game up and running on the tablet. The next thing we had to figure out was how to get it to the TV. Tom had brought a long enough HDMI cord, but it wasn’t connecting. Laurie has an iPhone and somehow when she connected through the Air drop it allowed Tom to Air cast it to the TV. Yes!! We got it working and had only missed the first quarter.

We decided to have a family friendly $5/quarter bet and drew numbers. When my team isn’t in the Superbowl I always find it most entertaining to cheer for my numbers. Unfortunately the numbers didn’t work out for me this year and I didn’t win the family friendly bet or the pool that I was in. Pete (who didn’t even watch the game) won 2 quarters, Tom 1 quarter, and Laurie 1 quarter.

All-in-all it was a pretty chill, relaxing day. It was nice to have a down day after the last couple of days being jammed packed full.

Stats of the Day:

Steps: 8,610
Pieces of Sea Glass Acquired: 46
Money Lost Betting: $20


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