Tropical Storm to Hurricane

August 25, 2024

I had a good night’s sleep even though the wind was whipping with the storm. I woke up to find that Tropical Storm Hone had been upgraded to a Category 1 hurricane. I saw some palms had come down and a chair from our patio was tipped over, but other than the rain I didn’t see anything significant. Since it was raining pretty good we didn’t make any plans. After the morning news the Tennessee Titans and New Orleans Saints pre-season football game came on. At half-time Uncle Andy went to take a nap and I searched the condo to see if they had any jigsaw puzzles. I was very pleased to find a drawer in the bookshelf that had three to choose from. A 1000 piece puzzle is a perfect rainy day activity!

I made good progress on the puzzle and after the football game on I put on HGTV. After Uncle Andy and I watched a couple of episodes of Bargain Block we headed out to the Kona Brewing Company. I tried another flight of beer and had the kalua pork nachos. The nachos were very good as was the pretzel stick we had as an appetizer (we were sitting out side under a red umbrella which is why the pictures all have a red tint). I liked several of the Kona Brewing shirts they had for sale and after hemming and hawing finally picked one. It’s not one of the beers I like (it’s a porter) but I liked the design of the shirt. As we were walking back to the car I mentioned the long-sleeve shirt that I was carrying was from Great Lakes Brewery but that I had picked it up at Goodwill. That sparked an idea that I should check the Goodwill in Kona for any shirts that I could turn into a souvenir. The Goodwill was less than a mile away so we headed right there. Although I found a couple of shirts I liked (not Kona Brewing shirts), when I tried them on they didn’t fit quite right so I walked out empty handed.

We got back to the condo about 6:00p.m. Since I had less then 1000 steps for the day and it had stopped raining, I headed out for a walk. I first started toward the pool area where I knew I could pick up a lava rock trail along the ocean. I walked for about 15 minutes on the trail before I remembered I wanted to find a geocache today to fill in my calendar. There was none close in the direction I was going and it was going to get dark soon. In addition, that lava rock trail is not a trail anyone should be walking in the dark. I headed back out of the condo complex to the main road. There was a geocache not far off the sidewalk about a 1/2 mile up the road. It was starting to get dark quick so I was happy I made the find right away. It was an ammo can amongst a field of lava. It would not have been safe to look in complete darkness. At this point I had just over 6,000 steps. I opted to keep going to get more steps instead of heading directly back to the condo. I walked up to the shopping mall before I turned around and headed back. As I walked back in the condo I had 10,029 steps. Goal achieved!

Tomorrow should be a much better weather day as no rain is in the forecast.

Stats of the Day

Steps: 10,116
Geocaches: 1 of 1
Total Rain in Waikoloa Village: .72 inches


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