Walking. Lots of Walking.

October 8, 2010

What another beautiful day in Paris! We did a ton of walking today, and I’m actually kind of curious as to how many miles we walked. Our first walk this morning took us to The Louvre. That place is gigantic and there is no way you could even begin to cover that museum in a day. We did stay for about 4 hours and saw a ton of paintings and the Egyptian Antiquities wing. Of course we saw The Mona Lisa too! After The Louvre we walked to Notre Dame Cathedral and strolled around the interior, but of course what we really wanted to do was climb more steps up to the bell tower. While we were waiting in line for the climb, we met a nice gal from Minnesota (she too has a dislike for Farve now :)) and had a nice time talking with her. She was touring Europe on her own for 6 weeks! The view from the top of Notre Dame was well worth the climb. While we were at the top of Notre Dame we spotted the Pantheon and decided that we could make the walk there to see it too before they closed. I’m glad we had a chance to see it. From the Pantheon it was time to find a place for dinner. Tonight I had French Onion Soup (not as good as I was hoping) and beef burgandy. It was ok, but the Nutella crepe we had for dessert was very good. After dinner we took a walk along the Seine River to see if we could catch a night cruise, but we could not find any. This then led us back to the long walk home. Tomorrow we use the subway!



  • Anonymous

    This comment is from Beth:

  • Anonymous

    I think it’s funny you go all the way to France to have Nutella when you can buy it at Pick ‘n Save! lol Sounds like you’re seeing a lot of neat stuff. I had to look up Patheon to find out what it was; did you see the Alexander Dumas tomb? He’s the author of my one of my favorite books, Count of Monte Cristo.
    Keep the pictures coming!
    Love, Jen

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