Roar of the Lion

August 31, 2008

Hey everyone, just thought I would post some pictures from our annual trek to Oak Creek’s Lion’s Fest. As usual we enjoyed sweet corn, beer, brats, and cheese curds (the first ones we ordered actually tasted like cheese turds). Our fun began by running into the weenies that run around Miller Park and trying to get Vince to take a picture with them. He was right for being scared that this picture would be posted online and would haunt him the rest of his life. The carnies (small hands, smell like cabbage) as usual lured the kids into their impossible meth induced games with their cheap shiney swag made in China. Uncle Tommy was suckered twice into the basketball free throw game which he lost $10 bucks on. Even if his shot was on I don’t think that ball could have fit through that mangled rim. Ryan was the human weed wacker with his new light saber that he won. The light began burning out by the end of the night and I’m not sure if it’s from everyone he wacked with it or because it was made in China. Alissa won a big pony “Silver” from one of the carnies (I’m sure he’s retooling the game so that never happens again). Over all it was a fun evening and even though we like to joke about the carnies we love it when they come to town. Nothing says fun like beer, brats, cheap toys, and unsafe rides. Until next year.

Here’s a picture of me with my favorite brother-in-law
(yes Todd, I wrote this on purpose to see if you were paying attention.) 🙂



  • Anonymous

    Does Tommy’s Nikon D200 work in the state of South Carolina?

  • Looks like great fun!

  • Hey Amy,

    Of course I remember you . . . you’re like practically family! Thanks for checking out our blog. Keep in mind when you see our pictures that Tom was using a Nikon D200 and that some of those pictures may have been enhanced (brightened) with PhotoShop. It really was quite amazing to see in person though!

    We live in South Milwaukee (or as my brother-in-law says, South Creek), as we live right on the border of Oak Creek and South Milwaukee. Maybe we’ll run into you at Pick N Save or some other fine Oak Creek establishment!

    Take Care!


  • Hi Jess,

    This is Amy, Julie’s cousin (we both stood up in her wedding a while back)… I was checking out your blog after seeing a link on Julie and Mike’s page. AMAZING pictures of Alaska, Tom – I am very impressed. I consider myself a better-than-average photographer, but I’ve never taken any pictures that spectacular! 🙂 I also really enjoyed reading about your trip to Alaska. I actually sent a link to your blog to my in-laws, who love Alaska and have been there a few times. They were impressed, too!

    On a side note, I saw that you were at the Oak Creek Lions Fest… I teach at the school right across the street from that park (the brand-new huge one). Do you have family in Oak Creek?

    Keep up the good blogging! 🙂

    Amy Baker

  • Webster defines favorite as: one that is treated or regarded with special favor or liking; especially : a person who is specially loved, or trusted.

    Please notice that it doesn’t state that a “favorite” is exclusively one person. Only that it is anyone treated with special favor. So, as far as I see it, we can both be your favorite brother-in-law. 🙂

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